Helping you write a winning personal essay!

Get into your Dream University!

Get personalized One-On-One coaching for writing your personal essay!

Sometimes it helps to have someone who has succeeded at this process to personally help you write your personal essay. That's where I come in! I am a University of California, Berkeley, graduate who has helped hundreds of students get into top universities like Columbia, the University of Pennsylvania, UCLA, Harvard, and Brown - and I can help you too!

You can sign up for a 1-hour consultation or book multiple hours and get my personal help drafting your essay- it's up to you!

Sign Up Early for the Online Course and get 50% Off!

The Step-By-Step Guide on Writing Your Personal Essay online course is 50% off if you sign up before June 15, 2023 (discount code: MAY2023!). Not only will you be the first to get access to the course when it launches on May 15th, but you will pay $50 instead of $100 to learn everything you need to know to get started and write a powerful college admissions personal essay that US universities will love.

The online course includes:

  • Hours of video content where I walk you through writing your personal essay from start to finish
  • Examples from essays that worked!
  • Exercises that are tailored to help you draft each part of the personal essay so, by the end of the course, if you've done each exercise, you'll have a completed essay draft!

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    Unfortunately, the services offered cannot guarantee admission to any university. The goal is to help you reach your potential and present yourself as the best candidate for a US University. The personal essay is just one portion of your college application, and we are here to support you with that.